The Agave, pronounced \ ah-gah-vey \ is a succulent also known as the Century Plant, native to Central Mexico and the American Southwest and later introduced onto the Island of Sicily. It blooms only once in its life, producing a rather dramatic 20-foot-high flower to then perish. The Agave is considered the “Mexican Tree of Life and Abundance” due to its many uses. Today it can be found all over Sicily, punctuating its coastlines or decorating interior mountain areas alongside ancient Olive Trees and Vineyards. The Agave is a metaphor for the ultimate life event and travel adventure, and the connection between the two continents of my own personal voyage and life experience.
As a Sicily Travel Specialist with Agave Travel Creative, I have spent the past 20 years of my life cultivating and discovering deeply rooted and luxury Culinary, Cultural, and Outdoor Adventures on this unique island destination. Along with our team of Local Travel Specialists, we provide for a seamless, creative, and luxurious exploration of the area for our Guests. As one of the select Condé Nast Top Travel Specialists for Sicily, and proudly one of Wendy Perrin's Trusted Travel Experts, I continue to coordinate Cultural Tours in Sicily and Culinary Events in the United States in collaboration with our infinite network of “Sicilian Connections” for kindred spirits looking to explore and discover the Cultural Mosaic of Sicily.
Marcello Baglioni | Founder & Sicily Travel Specialist
Born in Hollywood, California, and raised in my Italian family’s landmark restaurant, “Emilio’s,” I was immersed in the Food, Wine, and Service Culture as an 8-year-old Sous Chef. Cultural Exploration has always been my passion, and led me to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Art History and Archaeology, living in Mexico, and completing a Master's Degree in Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing. Later, along with an array of Art Historians, Archaeologists, and other Cultural Specialists, I co-created a Study Abroad Program for U.S. Students looking to explore and live the “local life” in the Ancient Town of Siracusa, offering both our Student Guests and their Extended Families the opportunity to voyage and discover the “Infinite Sicily” experience. As a result, each of our Sicily Travel Adventures are infused with an eclectic blend of deeply rooted Culinary and Cultural elements.
Matteo Rota | Sicily Travel Specialist
Born in St. Moritz, Switzerland, I was raised in my family’s restaurant based in this glamorous Alpine Resort. Food and Wine Culture, along with an impeccable dedication to Hospitality have been key inspirations throughout my career. Perusing a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management and working in the Swiss Travel Industry for several years, it was a simple business trip back in 2004 that brought me to Sicily. It was there, that a special relationship with the island was born, and which changed my life forever. This 15 year “love story” continues to be a personal Life Adventure in uncovering and discovering the never-ending layers of magic and beauty on this, the largest island of the Mediterranean. Based year-round in the Ancient City Center of Siracusa (Ortigia), my love for the Local Life, Culinary Heritage, and passion for meeting people, led me naturally to becoming a Travel Specialist for Sicily as a Cultural Concierge with Agave Travel Creative where I share my love and passion with our Guests.